Our News

May 22, 2020
Our company, “Cis Solar Engineering Limited” and “Cis Engineering Limited” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), has come to the attention of a local company, “Cis Energy Management Limited” (hereinafter referred to as “Cis Energy”), which uses the name and trademark of “Cis Energy” to provide home engineering related products and services.
The Company has also learned that "Chiss Energy" has posted photos showing the Company's internal activities and logos on its Facebook page. Such photos may mislead the public into believing that "Chiss Energy" has any business partnership or association with the Company.
We hereby solemnly declare that "QIS Energy" has nothing to do with our company, nor is it affiliated with our company, recognized by our company, or connected with our company in any way. Our company will seriously deal with the relevant behavior that attempts to offend the public, and through a lawyer, we will ask "QIS Energy" to immediately remove all photos related to our company, and reserve all rights to pursue "QIS Energy".

Hong Kong Edition | China Daily
May 22, 2020
Statement of Clarification
It has come to the attention of Kee See Solar Energy Engineering Co. Limited and Kee See Engineering Company Limited (hereafter "the Companies") that another local company, Kee See Energy Management Limited (hereinafter KS Energy"), is offering residential engineering products and services under the name and trademark "Kee See Energy".
It has also come to the Companies' attention that KS Energy has posted photos showing the Companies' internal activities and logos on KS Energy's Facebook Page. The said photos are potentially misleading the public that there is any relationship, association or connection in between the Companies and KS Energy.
KS Energy is not related to, affiliated with, endorsed by, or in any way connected to Kee See Solar Energy Engineering Co. Limited and Kee See Engineering Company Limited. The Companies are taking this matter very seriously, has demanded through their legal representative that KS Energy shall forthwith remove all photos containing any materials in relation to the Company and the Companies shall reserve their rights and remedies against KS Energy.

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The two power companies' renewable energy on-grid tariff plan was officially launched by CLP Power (002) on the 1st of this month, buying back private solar power at a price of 3 to 5 yuan per kWh. The installation cost of a 700-foot village house rooftop is about 200,000 yuan. The power generation capacity is 10 kilowatts. At 5 yuan per kWh, the annual return is more than 40,000 yuan, and the return rate is more than 20%, which is much higher than general investment. The buyback price is guaranteed until 2033. Some solar installers said that there were many inquiries, and some village house residents installed early and ate up the subsidies from CLP Power.
Most of the buildings in Hong Kong that are suitable for installing solar energy are village rooftops. Moon, who has lived in Tai Wo Village, Pat Heung, Yuen Long for nearly six years, recently installed a solar generator on 500 feet of the 900-foot village rooftop. One week after Typhoon Mangkhut hit Hong Kong, the equipment was intact. The 25 monocrystalline silicon solar panels generate 9.125 kilowatts of electricity. Since it is less than 10 kilowatts, CLP buys it back at a price of HK$5 per kilowatt-hour, which means an annual return of nearly HK$45,000. The total investment is close to HK$200,000 (including labor, materials, maintenance and monitoring during the payback period), and the expected return rate is over 20%. In addition, meters and other instruments must be installed at the rooftop "hut".

News Insights
September 21, 2019