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Guangdong Kee See Metal Manufactory Company Limited
本公司於2023在廣東省江門市設立工廠(3000平方米的組合車間),成立了廣東其思五金制品有限公司, 提供各種五金產品, 另外本公司亦利用建築資訊模型(BIM)技術設計及製造電爦托盤與線槽組裝件 (Cable Containment Modules), 配電箱與能源監察箱組裝件(MCB/MCCB with PQM modules), 屋宇裝備的組合式組裝件(Combined MEP Modules), 電氣垂直組装件(Riser Cable Containment ModuIes)等各項製造和裝配式設計(DFMA)產品訂製服務, 以滿足行業發展及客戶要求。
Prefabricated parts completed pictures

Why use prefabs?
Reduce on-site construction procedures and improve project efficiency
Parts are purchased and installed in a unified manner to reduce incoming material costs.
Reduce construction site activities and improve construction site safety
Centralized installation location to reduce environmental impact
The factory specializes in manufacturing and testing to improve construction quality.

Wherehas been installed (DfMA)Prefab Product
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